Sunday, June 21, 2009

Craftin' Out - Meet Up #2 JEWELRY!

For a month, we're planning, planning, planning...
And the culmination ends up a little something like this - Sweet Sarah offered her dreamy, manicured back yard for Craftin' Out #2...JEWELRY!

There were loads of sweet and savory goodies from all the ladies in attendance!
Steph made an amazing blueberry rhubarb crumble that stole the show...but let's not forget the mojitos, sangria, and brownies!

Meg was our instructor for the day and, although I'm sure she knew what she was getting herself into, she had her hands full with us Craftin' Out ladies!

Meg's talent is more far reaching than her simply divine musicianship and teaching abilities.
She's got style, taste, and she can bust out some super hot jewels.
She brought a stock of lovely beads and accoutrement that she allowed us to pilfer.

And like any good get together, the real hang out always starts at the goody table.

Still, we had work to do! Meg had promised us 2 pairs of earrings and a lovely memory bracelet by the end of this sesh!
So, we had to step to it!

She set us up with all the gear we needed and we got right into it!

Shanda made a bracelet for her mother in Iowa!
Carol! Be expecting something ostentatious and amazing! I PROMISE.

Thanks heavens Brandy and Bobbi showed up....these sweet things keep us young and they are brilliantly sarcastic and hilarious!
Also, they both are taking guitar lessons! Expect wonderful things from these ladies!

Steph multi-tasking with a smoke and some beading!

Brandy did this really beautiful bracelet with a mermaid-ish nautical theme...

ANDREA! The newest member of the Craftin' Out team!
She accompanied our old pal Miriam and she fit right in!
Come back Andrea - you're part of the gang now...and there's no gettin' out!

Sarah, our rad hostess with the mostest!

Beads galore!

Speaking of Miriam - this lady busted out a super lucky Vegas bracelet!
She's headed to Vegas next weekend and I can't wait to hear how the bracelet goes over!

There was LOTS of laughter, as usual...

But we worked our asses off!

Rachel showed up a little late...fresh from a birthday party at Chucky Cheese. Poor thing...we poured her a mojito and she felt a lot better!

Brandy Lou...she's an expert earring maker now!

Here's some jewels freshly crafted from our hot little hands!

It's so fun to be amongst lady friends!
Have we mentioned you're are...shoot us an email and you'll be put on the list!

Shanda even brought a bottle of 409 carpet cleaner just in case...
We love her guts!

As things wound down, we managed to get a few peeps wrangled into a pizza party...

There was some puppy cuddling...and then a crew of us went to see ANVIL!
It was the natural progression of our evening!

Go check out this amazing movie with some of your favorite crafty ladies!
It's got so much heart!

And if you're in Denver...after you go see it...try to meet up with Aunt Bea!
She's a riot!

Alright, lady friends, lady neighbors, and Denver chicas with nothing to do...
We'll be getting together next month for another cool installment of craftin' out!

Hit us up!

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