Monday, May 11, 2009

Craftin' Out - Meet Up #1 DECOUPAGE

Craftin' Out has been a long time coming!
The idea is to get a bunch of rad ladies together, pool your creative resources, and crank out a new craft project together once a month.

I think the first get together turned out absolutely perfect, but I'll let the pictures tell the story!

It's not a party without delicious, healthy goodies...
Oh, and Sangria, Vodka Crans, and Plum Wine!

Just getting started!
No one showed up empty handed! Mod Podge, brushes, magazines, tissue paper!


Craft dog - Dakota!

Kelly and Rachel!
Having a snack before they get down to business!

Some decoupage examples!
Steph and Meg are experienced in decoupage! It's nice to have professionals in your midst!

Shanda Swank!

Shanda came with pre-cut wooden coasters and some vintage boating imagery...
Just wait until you see how it turned out!

Kel worked on a small box...

While Bobbi and Brandy tore, snipped, and cut from the surplus magazine stash we acquired.

TJ and Michelle were diligent and got the job done!

Steph was cooking on a cool star decoration with a copper and animal print motif!

Katie's got skills!

Jacqui worked on a really cool cigar box!

The start of Shanda's coaster set - with a nautical theme!

No matter how much laughter or chatter there was...everyone stayed focused on their work.
And believe you me, there was some laughter and chatter!

Michelle busted out the raddest picture frame!

Brandy Lou used some maps and vintage Victorian clip art inside of the lid to her box.

Brandy and Bobbi cleared up what "hipsters" are for us.
We're all old ladies...we don't know what's what.

Meg is no stranger to decoupage...she'll Mod Podge you under the table!

Gina and Miriam!
Workin' hard or hardly workin'?

Gina had to leave early to deal with some minor work issues.
While she was on the phone she said, "No Mohammed, my friend, that's bad!".
I couldn't stop laughing at that!

Someone brought Mike's Hard Lemonade and someone drank Mike's Hard Lemonade...
I shall divulge NO NAMES!

As ladies completed their projects, they started piling their amazing works of art everywhere!

Shanda spilled some Sangria. I'll probably pay for this photo....

Mother/Daughter craft team!

Sadly, at the end, you've got to do the clean up!

But mostly, we just milled around and gabbed with each other about ideas for our next meet up, caught up with each other, and admired each other's work!

I told you! Shanda's coasters were amazing! The pinking shears clinched it!

So, when the jello shots are's all over!

Maybe you'd like to join us next time!
Maybe you have a skill you'd like to share!

We want you there!

We'll be updating on this blog for the next Craftin' Out Meet Up!
And we'd love to see your face!

Stick around, this is just the beginning!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that was so much fun! Thanks for doing this Becky!
